Remember those Carrots
Heard the old saying, carrots help you see in the dark? Well, the jury is still out on that. But fear not Carrots are still a very important veg. Our brains just love these orange little beauties.
As we age many of us experience our memories not quite working the way they used to; this is due to inflammation of the brain. Studies show the older the brain the more inflammatory molecules it produces. Not only can these molecules cause memory loss but they have also been found to induce depressive type symptoms. However, all is not lost; Researchers have found a plant compound called Luteolin appears to prevent this, and yes you’ve guessed it, Carrots are rich in the stuff.
So next time your encouraging someone to eat carrots, remind them it’s not only their eyes that will thank them but their brains too. Either that or make this delicious loaf cake below, as i’m sure then, no encouragement will be needed.
[yumprint-recipe id=’5′]