Strawberry chia seed jam
The latest food to join the superfood gang? The Chia seed. Chia seeds are from a plant which is related to mint, called Salvia Hispanica. Not tasting or looking like mint at all, they come in a tiny black seed form and are known to have some, quite frankly, amazing benefits. In fact so amazing is their power it’s reported Aztec Warriors would eat them to get their energy and strength. Well, I’m not sure if I feel quite like an Aztec warrior after eating them but they most certainly feel like they do me good.
Chia seeds contain protein, omega 3, calcium, vitamins A B E and D, anti-oxidants, iron and fiber. They have been linked with combating diabetes, strengthening your bones, helping you loose weight, reduce cholesterol, and help protect the body of free radicals (linked with ageing and disease). The protein they provide make them a perfect addition to a vegetarian diet but with all the many benefits they have every man, women and child could do with getting a bit of chia in their life.
I have my chiaseed intake every morning, whether it’s an accompaniment to my stewed apple and granola breakfast (see other recipes), or on toast in this delicious jam form (see recipe below). Whatever the case, chia seeds are definitely a power to be reckoned with.
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