Simple Tips to boost the mood when Illness Strikes!
Top 3 simple immune boosting & mood boosting tips for when illness strikes
After a few days of sneezing fits, coughing fits and feeling like I need a permanent massage for the rest of my life, I am slowly beginning to feel ready to take on the world again….mmmm maybe just one more quick little watch of Netflix.
Actually frustratingly being sick has not equalled an abundance of time to watch Netflix. In fact, it really is nothing like as glorious as I remember it being when I was a kid; time off school, TV, meals in bed (amazing), get off washing up duties. I mean it was one crazy rule break after another. Adult illness however is a whole other kettle of fish. Oh the havoc it causes! The early morning yoga routine was out the window, cooking nice healthy food involved way too much brain power and the exercise routine (which I had just begun to build motivation to start again) was dead in the water before it had even begun.
It got me thinking, what can you do when you’re ill that involves little to no energy or brain power but will still help give your immune system that support it needs and ensure your mood and mind stay in a happy, motivated state. Here are my top 3 simple, hardly any energy required, immune boosting and mood boosting tips:
1. Get on the floor and do some wall yoga
Find a place in your bedroom where there’s a wall with space for you to lie back and put you feet up against the wall. Ensure your seat is right up against the wall and your legs are going straight up. You can place a pillow behind your head if that feels comfortable. Then follow this sequence:
– Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani), with one hand on stomach and one hand on heart, gently listening to the rhythm of the breath. Remain here as long as you wish.
– Move the legs apart as wide as you can, still ensuring they remain in contact with the wall and are straight. Again remain here as long as you choose.
– Bring the souls of the feet together with the outer edges of the feet in contact with the wall and then begin to gently press your hands against your knees, coming into Supta Baddha Konasana
– Bring the right soul of the foot against the wall bending the right knee, then bend the left leg in and place the left foot over the right knee, creating a stretch in the outer left hip. Swap sides when you’re ready.
– Bring both legs outstretched again and gently draw them up and over behind your head, reaching the toes towards the floor behind your head, coming into plough pose/ Halasana.
– Move into Savasana when you’re ready (corpse pose), lying flat on the floor, arms by your sides and palms facing upward, legs outstretched and feet falling out to the sides.
2. Go to the kitchen & stock up on the following easy immune boosting snacks:
– Fruit (whatever you can find)
– Toast with almond butter (or peanut butter), sliced banana and sprinkling of seeds if you have any
– Jug of water with cucumber strips (use a peeler) or lemon slices
– Cup of black tea and / or green tea
– Yoghurt with honey
If your feeling up to it there is also a great smoothie recipe in the healthy kitchen section of the website which is definitely great for the mood and immune system but if the prospect of making anything more the a cup of tea is too daunting, just stick with the above. They are all great for cleansing you and filling you up with the nutrients your body needs right now.
3. Listen to some pod casts or audio books
If you felt anything like I felt over the last two days, eyes being closed was definitely a must, but sleep just felt impossible. So, instead I decided to listen to something and amazingly it actually did wonders a) at distracting me and b) at making me feel like I wasn’t wasting my time starring at the back of my eyelids.
Perhaps use this time to listen to a good book that you’ve been meaning to read/ listen to for a while. Or, if your feeling up to it, I’m a massive advocate of a good pod cast. Over the last couple of days i’ve been learning all sorts of interesting facts and information about health and wellness and building a business. Of course that’s what interests me, but there’s so many other experts on there, offering their expertise for free. What’s not to love about that?
So there you have it, my quick 3 immune boosting and mood boosting steps to making being ill that little bit more pleasurable; until we can all afford our own personal butler and masseuse that is.
Now go get some rest for goodness sake!
Nat, VYM x