Fresh noodle salad bowl

I can’t tell you how much I adore this dish. It’s so easy to make and the combination of mint & coriander just make it sing. In fact I love it so much I made it for my guests at this years yoga retreat; safe to say it was met with lots of mmms, yums & happy bellies.

All the meals on the retreat were specifically designed to enhance moods and cleanse bodies; this being no exception. To start with rice noodles are gluten free meaning none of that post gluten sluggish feel. In fact due the abundance of zinc, fibre and iron they have, you’re actually left feeling quite the opposite, re-energised and ready to take on the world, right? ๐Ÿ™‚ And just in case you were needing more, you also have the boost of protein it gives us via the noodles and prawns. Protein kick starts the process of increasing chemicals such as dopamine to the brain, which in turn increases are alertness and activity.

So you see, this really is a dish full of get up and go goodness and with that in mind I would suggest it makes the perfect lunch time meal to help push you through those tough afternoon slumps.

[yumprint-recipe id=’45’]

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