Is Social Media Making You Depressed

Is Social Media Making You Depressed?

I recently wrote a guest feature article for the wonderful Calmia Magazine where I talk about the impact of social media on our mental wellbeing and share my top three tips on how you can manage this.


I think most of us are pretty wise to how social media can impact our mental wellbeing; a world of comparisons, superficiality and unrealistic ideals ensures that every time we start that mindless scrolling we are subconsciously feeding our inner critic. Of course there’s simple ways we can try to manage the impact of this; one main one being STOP following the airbrushed, selfie loving, #howamazingismylife, clan. (I mean we all know that selfie represents nothing but someone who has been on their phone for the last hour taking photos of their own face). Instead why not follow things that are actually interesting in the world, that inspire you. Where people have been out in the world and are sharing with you the amazing things they have witnessed and seen.

However, unfortunately, even if we do that, just by being part of social media means we are part of the superficiality. So if we want to enjoy it in a way that’s healthy for our minds, we need to be aware of this and take be pro-active in managing the impact. I share my top three tips in this article

In the meantime, to add a little more mood nourishment to your social media scrolling, check out these top accounts I love:

  • @nationalgeographic & @roamtheplanet for taking me away from our self-involved lives and reminding me of the beautiful world out there
  • @thirdeyethoughts & @changeyourperception Quotes, ideas and inspirational messages about life
  • @kirstygallagheryoga for some authentic yoga and astrology inspo
  • @sustainableuk Gives some very cool sustainable living ideas
  • @sealionboards Because I love the sea, I love paddle boarding and these guys share some beaut pics
  • @inthemomentmag This is one of my favourite mags for mental wellbeing and mindfulness and their insta feed links to some great articles

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